Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Learning to push back...

Things are different here when it comes to standing in line. You've gotta stand your ground. Last week at IKEA, I let one person in front of me because she only had one thing. This led to another person with one thing get ahead of me without asking. Then this other couple showed me one thing (and they really had 15) and got in front of me. Then....a woman with a cart tried to push her cart in front of me. I had it! I gave her the signal to get behind me with a stern face and she grudgingly got back in line. There isn't what we consider courtesy back at home, something that I need to adjust to fast!

1 comment:

gretchen said...

That is hilarious! I'm shocked at the behavior ... but I guess you will run into all kinds of cultural differences. Plenty to fill your blog, at least. ;)